dmt uses its experience with the development of mass capacity systems to offer consulting and audit services.

Due to various circumstances, we are sometimes unable to directly implement the solutions we develop. Software development is a complex process, and the final quality of the system and, most importantly, its usefulness to a company depends on many elements. If, for instance, a company has its own team of developers, it should use the consulting service to make sure that the created system is designed in a way that ensures maximum performance, so that it can become a mass capacity system.


Naszą ofertę w zakresie konsultingu oraz audytu kierujemy do przedsiębiorstw, które:

  • samodzielnie – przy pomocy własnych deweloperów i na własne potrzeby chcą tworzyć oprogramowanie , ale potrzebują wsparcia w zakresie konstrukcji oraz procesu tworzenia i wdrażania systemów masowej przepustowości,
  • wybrały już dostawcę systemu, chcą jednak profesjonalnie kontrolować postępy prac,
  • wdrożyły oprogramowanie, ale chcą wykonać profesjonalną analizę powdrożeniową,
  • chcą zoptymalizować zaprojektowaną wstępnie architekturę systemu tak, by spełniał założenia systemu masowej przepustowości,
  • chcą zoptymalizować kod źródłowy istniejącej aplikacji tak, by zwiększyć wydajność całego rozwiązania.


We offer a full range of consulting services and audits concerning software development. Our services include both monitoring and preparation of various physical reports. We may, for instance:

  • prepare analyses and designs of systems, including comprehensive analyses and data-flow analyses in order to identify potential “bottlenecks”, which is particularly important in mass capacity systems,
  • conduct training on the development/life cycle of applications,
  • monitor application development,
  • implement procedures for software development, product versioning, quality control, risk control and uniformity,
  • conduct post-implementation analyses,
  • conduct source code audits,
  • test software quality,
  • prepare analyses and designs of system integration,
  • assist with the configuration and installation of systems,


We can contribute by:

  • improving software performance to enable processing of more data in a shorter time,
  • improving the usefulness of the software and, consequently, significantly accelerating the return on your investment,
  • improving software quality,
  • improving the user comfort of your computer systems,
  • giving you access to the latest and proven IT expertise, including access to the latest solutions relating to the processing of large amounts of information.

Make sure to contact us and set up a meeting with one of our consultants.

We will answer all your questions and discuss the best way of responding to your IT challenges.

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